Greater Pine Island Water Association is a nonprofit, member owned association. To join the association, there are fees each new homeowner with water service are required to pay per the association Rules and Regulations (download pdf below). Fees are due and payable at closing.
Current fees for a typical 5/8” meter:
Membership Fee: $108.00
5/8” Meter Fee: $605.00 (larger meters have higher fees, see Rate Schedule)
Total: $713.00
Some accounts may owe an unpaid capital charge but not typical. Inquire at
Requirements for new water service transfer:
1.) Complete the New Owner Contact Information Form. (download pdf below)
2.) Addendum A for an LLC or Corp. (download pdf below)
3.) Copy of owner(s) Driver License.
4.) Copy of the deed indicating legal ownership.
5.) Payment of fees within 5 days of closing.
6.) Once fees are collected, a Water User’s Agreement is sent by email for electronic signature through Adobe Sign (due within 10 days of closing ).
7.) Autopay form (optional) if you are interested in paying monthly bills with a checking account. Visit the customer service section for more information.
We do not turn off the water during the transition period unless payment is not arranged within 5 business days of closing.
Often the title company collects membership fees at closing. If they do not, you may either mail in or bring a check payment to our office, or you may use a debit/credit card payment (with convenience fee charge ) to our third party vendor, Nexbillpay.
GIPWA works with Nexbillpay, a third-party automated payment service, to offer payment options for customers. Nexbillpay accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and electronic checks.
Credit card companies charge businesses, like GPIWA, a percentage of the payment for processing services. Nexbillpay will charge a convenience fee for each transaction. In fairness to all of our members, we need to ensure that those who want the convenience of paying with a credit card or a one-time only payment, pay for the service. GPIWA DOES NOT receive any part of the convenience fees collected.
Contact Nexbillpay:
Phone: 888-557-6732
You will need to Sign Up for an account, provide the service address and zip code. Complete the Profile and enter the payment amount. This payment method is ONLY for the $713.00 buyer transfer fee and NOT to make a monthly water bill payment. If you are looking to make a monthly water bill payment please go to the customer service tab\bill pay options and click on pay bill on the bottom of the page and create your account there. No account number is needed for this one time payment.
MEMBERSHIP FEE - As a cooperative type association, the Association is required to charge a $108.00 membership fee on each active account. The membership is issued in the name of the owner(s) of the property as indicated on the recorded deed. Any change in ownership of the property requires payment of another membership fee. Upon cancellation of the account, under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(12), the membership fee must remain as part of the Member’s equity until dissolution of the Association and therefore the membership fee cannot be returned to the Member. However, the membership fee may be used by an Inactive Member using a floating membership to establish active membership provided the Inactive Member notifies the Association as required herein.
METER FEE - A meter fee is charged on each active account and is a one time fee as long as the Member retains ownership of the property. Any change in membership status as described above, will result in another meter fee being charged. This fee acts as a “rental fee” and covers maintenance of the meter. Meter fees are based on the size of the meter as detailed on the Current Schedule of Fees and Water Rates. Meter fees are not refundable.
This link is not to pay your monthly water bill. Please go to Customer Service\Bill pay options to pay your monthly water bill.
Copyright © 2022 Pine Island Water Association, Inc. - All Rights Reserved