If you have any specific questions or concerns, you may call the office. Developers and engineers should be aware that a Plan Review Fee is payable when plans are submitted for review, see schedule of Ancillary Fees. Prior to GPIWA signing a DEP permit form, the following capital charge collection policy must be followed:
"Policy adoption and the definition of terms contained within shall be governed by the Greater Pine Island Water Association, Inc. (GPIWA) Rules and Regulations (January 12, 2000) and as hereinafter amended.
Owners, Developers, Contractors, etc. that request GPIWA execute the required Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) form 62-555.900(7), “Notice of Intent to Use The General Permit For Construction of Water Main Extensions for PWS’s” or its successor form(s) (Permit), shall pay to the GPIWA fifty percent (50%) of the total of all Capital Charges that are normal and customarily generated by the unit(s) defined within the Permit. Such charges shall be paid to the Association prior to the execution of the Permit by GPIWA staff. Capital Charges shall be calculated based on the GPIWA Schedule of Fees and Water Rates in existence at the time of application.
The balance of the Capital Charges (the remaining fifty percent), shall become due and payable on a per unit basis along with all other customary fees and charges due when formal application for water service is made to GPIWA.
Policy approved by the GPIWA Board of Directors and effective and incorporated into the Greater Pine Island Water Association, Inc. Rules and Regulations this 22nd day of June, 2004." Call the Business Office for the current capital charge fee.
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